Corundum Mines Skyrim (2025)

1. Corundum - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Guide - IGN

  • Mining Locations ; Darkwater Crossing ; Ustengrav ; There are around 20 individual veins located in Blackreach ; Goldenrock Mine ; Knifepoint Mine in Knifepoint ...

  • Corundum is used more as an alloy to make advanced versions of other armors, such as banded-iron armor and plate armor.

2. Skyrim:Corundum - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)

  • 4 feb 2024 · The most easily accessible corundum mine is Goldenrock Mine, adjacent to Darkwater Crossing in Eastmarch. Although a couple of other locations ...

3. Corundum Ore - Elder Scrolls | Fandom

  • Corundum ore veins can be mined with a pickaxe. Each vein, when mined, has a chance to produce a precious gem. The ores in the mines respawn after one month in- ...

  • Corundum Ore is an ore in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. It serves many purposes in crafting, including the creation of steel ingots. Corundum ore is used to make corundum ingots at a smelter, with two ore making one ingot. Smelting it together with an iron ore produces steel ingots. Corundum can be used to craft and improve certain armor and weapons, and with the expansion The Elder Scrolls V: Hearthfire, corundum is used to craft a number of items as well. Corundum ore veins can be mined with a

4. Category:Skyrim: Corundum Ore Vein Locations - Elder Scrolls | Fandom

5. Skyrim:Corundum - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)

  • 4 feb 2024 · The most easily accessible corundum mine is Goldenrock Mine, adjacent to Darkwater Crossing in Eastmarch. Although a couple of other locations ...

  • < Skyrim: Items / Mining(Redirected from Skyrim:Corundum Ingot)

6. Skyrim:Corundum Ingot - ESO-UI Wiki

  • Where to find Corundum Ingot? Darkwater Crossing contains around four veins, along with scattered ingots and ore near the smelter; Ustengrav; Approximately 20 ...

  • Corundum Ingots are used for crafting more advanced armors and weapons, as well as locks for home building.

7. Goldenrock Mine - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Guide - IGN

  • Overview. advertisement. Goldenrock Mine is a Corundum Ore mine found in the East of Skyrim.

  • Goldenrock Mine is a Corundum Ore mine found in the East of

8. That's Not Corundum at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and ...

  • 24 mrt 2024 · corundum ore ➡ copper ore · corundum ingot ➡ bronze ingot · quicksilver ➡ chromium · orichalcum ➡ tungsten · moonstone ➡ titanium · ebony ➡ ...

  • The metallurgy in Skyrim is nuts. This is a lightweight, script-free rework that improves realism and immersion.

9. Skyrim: Corundum Ore Vein -, The Video Games Wiki

  • 9 mrt 2015 · “Corundum Ore Vein” is an item in Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. This is one of the many mineral veins that can be found throughout Skyrim.

10. Additional Ore Veins for Hearthfire Homes - Nexus Mods

  • 4 jan 2022 · Heljarchen Hall: Adds one corundum and two iron ore veins across from and adjacent to the smelter, workbench, etc. Apologies if the placement of ...

  • Adds iron and corundum ore veins around hearthfire homes

11. Skyrim: Corundum Ore -, The Video Games Wiki

  • 18 feb 2018 · “Corundum Ore” is an item in Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Stats[edit]. Weight: 1. Value: 20. Effects[edit]. 2 Ore are needed to make 1 Corundum ...

12. Maps - Skyrim Interactive Map | Map Genie

  • Interactive map of Skyrim locations. Find all Dragon Priest masks ... Corundum Ore162. Ebony Ore2. Gold Ore40. Iron Ore542. Malachite Ore2. Moonstone Ore20.

  • Interactive map of Skyrim locations. Find all Dragon Priest masks, treasure, spell tomes, Stones of Barenziah, East Empire Pendants & more! Use the progress tracker to get 100% completion!

13. Issue #22057: Corundum Ingot Missing - AFKTrack

  • ... Skyrim Special Edition, Fallout 4, or Starfield. ... The option for smelting corundum ingots seems to be missing at smelters even when i have corundum ore in my ...

  • #22057 Corundum Ingot Missing

Corundum Mines Skyrim (2025)
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