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Connection code machine side: DIN 6535-HA
Tolerance on Ø: +0.005
Internal cooling: Axialkühlung
Standard: Company std.
Surface: TiAlN-nanoA
Cutting direction: right-hand
Tool material: Solid carbide
Identification (Article No.): ERWEITERT
Hole type: blind hole
Groove: straight-fluted cutting edges
(Variety): 65
Spacing: EU
1675 8.980
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Machine reamers / Ø 8.980mm / +0.005 / Company std. / Solid carbide
Machine reamers / Ø 8.980mm / Tolerance zone:+0.005 / Company std. / Solid carbide / TiAlN-nanoA / Type:HR 500 S / Cutting direction:right-hand /
Execution:extremely unequal flute spacing •central internal coolant supply, outlet on the face • • •for clamping in hydraulic and shrink fit chucks
ISO code
P | Steel, high-alloyed steel |
M | Stainless steel |
K | Grey cast iron, spher, graphite/mall. cast iron |
N | Aluminium and other non-ferrous metals |
S | Special, super and titanium alloys |
H | Hardened steel and chilled cast iron |
On the following programme pages you will find for every tool recommendations regarding suitability for the application groups and details of max. tensile strength and harness:
optimal suitability
limited suitability
- Connection code machine side
- DIN 6535-HA
- Tolerance on Ø
- +0.005
- Internal cooling
- Axialkühlung
- Norm
- Company std.
- Surface
- TiAlN-nanoA
- Discount group
- 166
- Type
- 1675
- Cutting direction
- right-hand
- Type
- HR 500 S
- Material
- Solid carbide
- Identification (Article No.)
- Additional information
- 1/100
- Hole type
- blind hole
- Groove
- straight-fluted cutting edges
- (Variety)
- 65
- Spacing
- EU
- Code no.
- 8.980
- Weight
- 0.085
- No of cutting edges
- 6
- Total length
- 101.000
- Usable length
- 61.000
- Shank Ø
- 10.000
- Nominal Ø mm
- 8.980
- Cutting edge length
- 19.000
- Reach length
- 61.000
- Statistical goods number
- 82076030
Error when calculating the cutting values
Use case
All values given are approximate values. The actually accomplishable cutting-speeds and feed-rates depend on the particular processing conditions. We recommend according cutting tests
' + value + '
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