This Day, August 11, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L – All #ourCOG News (2024)

August 11

1492: Alexander VI iselected Pope. Alexander was one of theBorgia popes. He had reputation for“moral depravity” and was more politician than prelate. He defied Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain byallowing large numbers of Marranos who were fleeing the Inquisition to takerefuge in Rome. He did reduce the sizeof the badge worn by the Jews under his rule but raised their taxes by five percent. He also lengthened the course thatthe Jews of Rome were forced to run each year so that he could view it from thecomfort of his castle. The Jews wereforced to run naked much to the amusem*nt of the Christian population of Rome –the home of Catholicism. Everything isrelative and for all of his shortcomings, Alexander VI’s treatment of the Jewswas a lot better than that of the other Catholic strongman of the day, TheGrand Inquisitor – Torquemada.

1634: Seventeen arrestswere made by the Inquisition after a man turned another man in for being"unwilling to make a sale on Saturday," and for not wanting to eatbacon.

1667(21st ofAv, 5427): Jonah Abravanel, a Dutch Jewish poet and author, passed away todayat Amsterdam. “He was the son of thephysician Joseph Abravanel, and a nephew of Manasseh ben Israel.”

1710:Sidney Godolphin, 1st Earl of Godolphin who conferred a government appointmenton Moses Hart, “a Prussian-born English merchant, financier, and philanthropistwho along with his brother, Chief Rabbi Aaron Hart, was one of the founders ofthe Ashkenazic Jewish community of England” completed his service as Queen Anne’sLord High Treasurer.

1762: In Philadelphia,PA, Elizabeth (Esther) Whitlock and Moses Mordecai who were married in Englandgave birth to Jacob Mordecai, the husband of Rebecca Mears Myers whom hemarried in 1798, the father of Major Alfred Mordecai and the grandfather of GeneralAlfred Mordecai who served heroically while fighting for the United Statesduring the Civil War.

1770: Moses Mendelssohnand his wife the former Fromet (Frumet) Guggenheim gave birth to JosephMendelssohn, their oldest son, founder of the bank Mendelssohn & Co. andalong with his sister Recha were the only two of the couple’s six children toremain Jewish.

1772: Following thepartition of Poland which gave the Russians a large, unwanted population,Catherine II whom the Boyars call “Great,” issued an order that read, “Jewishcommunities residing in the towns, cities and territories now incorporated inthe Russian Empire shall be left in the enjoyment of all those liberties withregard to their religion and property which they at present possess.”

1775(15th ofAv. 5535): Tu B’Av observed during the American Revolution on the same day GeneralGeorge Washington wrote Lt. General Thomas Gage, the commander of Britishforces in Boston complaining about the mistreatment of captured Americansoldiers at the hands of troops under the command of Gage.

1777(8th ofAv, 5537): Erev Tish’a B’Av observed on the same day that John Adams, thesecond President of the United States wrote to his John Quincy Adams the 6thPresident of the United States telling him to read “The History of thePeloponnesian War, translated from the Greek of Thucydides in two VolumesQuarto, by William Smith A.M. Rector of the Parish of the holy Trinity inChester, and Chaplain to the Right Honorable the Earl of Derby” to prepare himfor dealing with future wars which will face the United States of America.

1778: Birthdate ofPrussian native Friedrich Ludwig Jahn, the German nationalist whose statementin 1810 that "Poles, French, priests, aristocrats and Jews are Germany'smisfortune” are an example of views that Peter Vierck among others claimed made him “the spiritual founder ofNazism” – a claim challenged by the highly respected Jacques Barzun who“observed that Viereck's portrait of cultural trends supposedly leading toNazism was "a caricature without resemblance" relying on"misleading shortcuts.”

1786: Captain FrancisLight establishes the British colony of Penang in Malaysia. The Penang JewishCemetery, established in 1805, is believed to be the oldest single Jewishcemetery in Malaysia. According tolegend, the first Jews may have actually come to Malaysia as far back as the 11thcentury.

1793: Thirty-four-year-oldJacob Aaron who had passed away on Shabbat, was buried today at the AlderneyRoad Jewish Cemetery in the UK.

1799(10th ofAv, 5559): Tish’a B’Av observed for the last time in the 18thcentury

1800: Today, “BenjaminNones,” who had come to the United States from Bordeaux in 1777 “published areply to an anonymous anti-Semitic letter which had been printed on August 5 inthe Gazette of the United States.

1804: Francis IIassumed the title of first Emperor of Austria. When it came to his Jewishsubjects, Francis and his chief minister, Metternich followed in the footstepsMaria Theresa and not the more liberal Joseph II. During his reign ghettos were set up inAustria. Jews were not allowed to settlein the province of Tyrol. Stringentrestrictions were placed on where Jews could live in Bohemia and Moravia. InVienna, a special tax was placed on all Jews who entered the capital. While the Emperor “ennobled a few Jews” he“humiliated” the remainder of the population. Jewish marriages were restrictedto the eldest son or those who had enough money to pay large bribes to theappropriate officials.

1810: In Oberdöblingnear Vienna, banker Joseph von Henikstein and his wife, the former Elisabethvon Sonnenstein gave birth to Alfred von Henikstein who was baptized as a childmaking him the highest ranking officerof Jewish parentage in the Austrian army and chief of staff before the battleof Königgrätz in the Austro-Prussian War.

1813(15th ofAv, 5573): Tu B’Av celebrated as Lewis and Clark were encamped with theShoshoni, the tribe of Sacagawea who would serve as their guide on the missionof exploration that would lead to the Pacific Ocean.

1816: In theNetherlands, Rosa and Simon Hartog Cohen gave birth to future New Yorker MosesSimon Cohen, the husband of Elizabeth Cohen.

1820(1st ofElul, 5580): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1823(4th of Elul,5583): Nine days after her 60th birthday, Sarah Hart, the daughterof Rachel de Lyon and Myer Hart Texeirade, the wife of Isaac Nunez Cardozo andthe mother of Michael, Rachel, Abigail, Esther and Judith Cardozo passed awaytoday.

1824: Yitzhak benSampson married Perla bat Benjamin today.

1827: Birthdate ofJesse Seligman, the German born American banker and philanthropist whose careerbegan in Alabama and ended in San Francisco, CA.

1828: Birthdate ofEdward Salomon a native of Saxony who served as Lieutenant Governor ofWisconsin from 1860 to 1862 at which time he became the state’s 8thGovernor when Louis P Harvey drowned in the Tennessee River.

1828: In Fuerth,Bavaria. Nanette Wexler and Leser Lazarus Ochsenhorn who married in 1803 gavebirth to Jette Ochsenhorn who would live for only 13 months.

1830(22nd of Av, 5590):Dr. Philip Moses Russell, a native of England who began serving as a medicalofficer for various units in the Revolutionary War starting in 1775 passed awaytoday. In addition to his medical workfor which he was commended by George Washington, Russell and six other Jews“volunteered as guides to lead the American forces through the woods and swampsin a surprise attempt to recapture British-held Savannah, GA.”

1831(2nd ofElul, 5591): Thirty-four-year-old "Elie ben Abraham Laard the Frauenberg, Franceborn “son of Abraham Lazard and Leyen Lazard, the husband of Esther Cahn –Lazard and father of Lazare Lazard; Alexandre Lazard; Maurice Lazard; LisaBloch; Simon Lazard; Rosalie Rachel Aron and Elie Lazard, II” passed away today.

1833: Birthdate ofRobert G. Ingersoll, Civil war soldier, orator and defender ofa*gnosticism. He was the author of “SomeMistakes Moses Made” which begins “For many years I have regarded thePentateuch simply as a record of a barbarous people, in which are found a greatnumber of the ceremonies of savagery, many absurd and unjust laws, andthousands of ideas inconsistent with known and demonstrated facts. To me itseemed almost a crime to teach that this record was written by inspired men;that slavery, polygamy, wars of conquest and extermination were right, and thatthere was a time when men could win the approbation of infinite Intelligence,Justice, and Mercy, by violating maidens and by butchering babes.” Ingersollwas not an anti-Semite. He had a “lowopinion” of other religions as well.

1840: Lord Palmerstonthe British Foreign Secretary wrote a letter to the ambassador inConstantinople that said, “There exists…among the Jews…a strong notion that thetime is approaching when their nation is to return to Palestine…. I instructyou… to strongly recommend that the Turkish Government … encourage the Jews ofEurope to return to Palestine.”Palmerston was not philo-Semite or a proto-Zionist. Rather, he was an English statesmen lookingto bring what he considered Western civilization to the Orient.

1843(15th ofAv, 5603): Tu B’Av

1844: Birthdate ofWilhelm Stern the son of a rabbi in Posen who became a German physician.

1844: Just days beforehis death, Rabbi Aron Chorin sent an address to the conference of Hungarianrabbis meeting at Páks.

1845(8th ofAv, 5605): Tish’a B’Av observed for the first time during the Presidency ofJames K. Polk who “briefly met the father of Reform Judaism in the UnitedStates, Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise.” (The Elected and the Chosen)

1848: Establishment ofThe United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia to whichAmy Totenberg would be appointed in 2011 making her the first Jewish woman toserve in such a capacity.

1849: Louis Kossuth,the Hungarian political leader and journalist who was sympathetic to Jewishhopes for emancipation and the right to become full-fledged citizens of thenewly independent Hungry was forced to abdicate as Governor-President ofHungary today as the forces of repression undid the work of the Revolutions of1848.

1851: In Vienna,Eleanor and Josef Pick gave birth to Leopold Pick.

1852: In Bielostok,Russia, Noah Brodsky and his wife gave birth to Hyman Brodsky who “wasinstrumental in establishing Sheltering Homes, Talmud Torah Schools, FreeSchools, Free Libraries, Building Associations, Loan Associations, ChevraKadisha and Zionist Societies in New York, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Providence,RI, Troy, NY and Newark, NJ where since 1899 he has served as the rabbi ofCongregation Anshe Russia.

1852: One day after hehad passed away, Simon Simmons, the son of Joseph of Rosa Simmons and thehusband of Catherine Davis with whom he had seven children – Rosetta, Esther,Israel, Caroline, Joseph, Mary Ann and Elizabeth – was buried today at the “Brompton(Fulham Road) Jewish Cemetery.

1853: It was reportedtoday that an unnamed Jew owns a house at Table Rock adjacent to the GreatHorse Shoe Falls where visitors can buy brandy and cigars and seek protectionfrom the spray of the cataract.

1854:Birthdate of old Benno or Beno Straucher, a Bukovina-born Austro-Hungarianlawyer, politician and Jewish community representative, who spent the finalpart of his career in Romania

1856: Isle Dernière (Last Island), a barrier islandsouthwest of New Orleans which has served as a resort was destroyed today bythe Last Island Hurricane whose victims included more than one unnamed Jewishresident.

1857:During a debate on India, Benjamin Disraeli reiterated his conviction that themutiny in India was more than just a military matter and that the governmentwas not taking the correct measures in the matter. He also repudiated thegovernment's faith in European alliances declaring that could not be dependedupon.

1858(1st of Elul,5618): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1859: In Deal, Kent,Amalia Monies, and Charles Kahn gave birth to Jenny Kahn the wife of ArthurRothenborg

1860: The JewishMessenger cautions “the public against an impostor, who calls himselfNelton and Abramowitsch, according to circ*mstances,” who writes his name withHebrew letters “which may mean saint or sinner, as far as the knowledge of thecommon crowd goes. He dresses in priestly attire, so the Messenger says,with a white cravat and black cassock. While asking the Editor for charity, heappropriated an article of silver-ware from the mantelpiece”.

1862: In a letterwritten today addressed to the Adjutant General of the United States Army,General William Tec*mseh Sherman warned that "the country will swarm withdishonest Jews" if continued trade in cotton is encouraged. (In a letterwritten in 1858, Sherman had described Jews as "…without pity, soul,heart, or bowels of compassion…"During the Civil War Sherman had numerous Jews serving in the variousarmies under his command with no whiff of anti-Semitism attached to hisdecisions. This included the 82ndIllinois Regiment that included a large contingent of Chicago Jews and wascommanded by Edward S. Salomon. Theregiment fought under his command during Sherman’s brilliant Atlanta Campaignand rose to the rank of General as Sherman’s forces bravely marched north fromSavannah to help trap the remaining Confederate forces.

1862: During the CivilWar, Philadelphian Jacob Benedict a Corporal in Company H of the 122ndRegiment began serving in the Union Army.

1862: During the CivilWar, Philadelphians Elias Bear, Lewis Cohen, Isaac Davidson, Henry Myers andDavid Fellenbaum began their nine-month enlistment in the 122ndRegiment.

1862: Sarah Bernhardtmade her acting debut at the ComédieFrançaise in the title role of Racine's Iphigénie.

1863: Charles and LaruaLevy gave birth to South Carolinian Rosalie Levy Hart, the wife of Israel Hart.

1864(9th ofAv,5624): Tish’a B’Av (Did the Jewish soldiers fighting in the Union’smulti-prong offensive against the Rebels fast as they made their way acrossNorthern Virginia and Georgia.

1865(19th ofAv, 5625): Fifty-year-old Abraham Mordka Alter, the son of Yitzchak Alter andFeigele Lipschitz passed away today in Warszawa, Poland.

1866: Ernest AbrahamHart “was appointed editor of the BritishMedical Journal” today.

1867: In Cincinnati,OH, Leopold Pappenheimer, the German born son “of Salomon Pappenheimer andZerla Pappenheimer (Wormser) and his wife Marie Pappenheimer” to future Georgiaresident Sigmund Pappenheimer the husband of Edith Waxelbaum and the father ofLouise P. Finsterwald.

1867: In New York, Abraham andGertrude (Enoch) Weber gave birth to Joseph Maurice Weber, the husband ofLillian Friedman and one half of the vaudeville comedy act of Weber and Fields.Playing Jews was not a key to show biz success when this team started out. Some of their early success came playingDutch (German characters) and Irishmen, something their audiences reallyenjoyed.

1872: In Baltimore, MD,“Charles and Caroline (Frank) Adler gave birth to Johns Hopkins alum andUniversity of Maryland trained physician Harry Adler, the husband of Carrie F.Adler who “founded and endowed the dental clinic at the Hebrew Hospital where hewas an “attending physician” for ten years.

1873: PhiladelphianJonathan Manly Emanuel, the son of London born physician Manly Emanuel, who hadjoined the U.S. Navy as an engineer during the Civil War completed a month tourat the Navy Yard in Philadelphia today after which he was assigned to the “Tuscarora.”

1877: Birthdate ofBrooklyn native and NYU trained physician Joseph Leben, the “chief of clinic atthe Hospital for Joint Diseases” and husband of Addie Lebenstein.

1879: It was reportedtoday that there are parts of Coney Island, New York’s popular resort, where“Jews are not tolerated.”

1879: The New YorkTimes featured a review of Somebody’s Ned by Mrs. A.M. Freeman. Thisis a work of romantic fiction combined with a murder mystery. In this case the star-crossed lovers are aFrench Catholic named Danton Roland and French Jewess named Rachel Rosenthal aswell David Dudley and Jessica-Rachel.The plot thickens when Solomon Rosenthal is found dead. To find “whodone it” go to's+Ned&source=bl&ots=FDDNcEE-yT&sig=0RcgZr29ekCFTZHPiDIoPIdFO3o&hl=en&ei=qHhATvrBH4uDtgegk7nvBg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&sqi=2&ved=0CBUQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false

1879: In White Plains,New York, Justice C.W. Cochrane heard a case in which the Osmond C Lyon hadfiled a complaint against a Jewish merchant – Adolph D. Pollack – for sellingcigars and neckties on Sunday in violation of the “blue laws.” The defendant respondedthat he had not violated the law because he had not “exposed” his goods “forsale” and had only sold them quietly when requested. He also said that as aJew, he observed the Sabbath on Saturday and the enforcement of the law in thismanner was a violation of the New York Constitution which prohibitsinterference with his religious views.

1879: “A Cool Day AtConey Island” published today shows that prejudice against Jews is now becomingprevalent at the popular resort. “For Coney Island is miniature New York andhas its German quarter, its American quarter and its quarter where Jews are nottolerated.”

1881: It was reportedtoday that the new Home for the Aged and Infirmed being built in Yonkers willcost more than $60,000.

1881: During a periodof on-going Pogroms,” a dozen of the wealthiest Jews in Tsarist Russi filedinto the palatial St. Petersburg home of Baron Horace de Gunzberg” to discuss their concern that a mass exodusof Jews from Russia would convince the authorities to continue their program ofviolence as a way of dealing with “the Jewish problem.”

1882: Mr. LazarusSilverman, a Chicago banker, appeared at the office of the Clerk of CircuitCourt with 12 Russians Jews who had arrived in the Windy City with theirfamilies. After following all of thelegal requirements, the men took the oath and became citizens of the UnitedStates. Since their knowledge of Englishwas limited, they signed the documents in Hebrew.

1882: In Silesia, RabbiJacob David Kallen and Esther Rebecca Glazier gave birth to Horace M. Kallen,one of seven children all of whom, in 1887, came to the United States whereKallen would graduate from Harvard, become the first Jewish professor at Princetonwhile maintaining a leadership role in the American Jewish Community.

1883((8th ofAv, 5643): Parashat Devarim; Erev Tish’a B’Av

1883: Police fired on amob that had resumed its attacks on the home of Joseph Scharf one of thedefendants who had been acquitted of charges of having killed a Christian girlas part of a Jewish ritual murder.

1883: “The Demands onCharity” published today described a change in the assistance that will berendered to the needy by New York’s charitable organizations. In the future,they will provide assistance to the needy who are trying to establishthemselves in gainful occupations and trades. The United Hebrew Charities willhelp Jewish immigrants establish themselves in almost any occupation with theexception of street peddler, a calling that is now considered to be a publicnuisance.

1884: “Persecuted ByHis Family” published today described the plight of Walter Gerson a young Jewborn in 1858 at Bradford England who moved to London, Ontario and then toChicago where he converted toChristianity and married a non-Jewish woman, a fact which his family firstaccepted but now seems to be determined to undue.

1884(20th ofAv, 5644): Israel Blatchky, a young Jew who has been working in Des Moines,Iowa for the past three years passed away today.

1884: “The remainingmembers of the ill-fated “Lady Franklin Bay Polar Expedition returned the bodyof Edward Israel who had died on May 27 to is home in Kalamazoo where he wasburied with full honors “in the Jewish Cemetery next to Mountain Home Cemetery.

1885: Dr. of Law AloisEisler and Emilie Eisler gave birth to Otto Eisler.

1888(4th ofElul, 5648): Parashat Shoftim

1888: Birthdate ofPottsville, PA native Abraham Benjamin Cohen, the husband of Hattie Rose Cohnwith whom he had two children, Floryne and Malcom.

1888: Oliver HazardPeary married Josephine Diebitsch who would join Angelo Heilprin , theHungarian born Jewish explorer on the expedition to Greenland in 1891

1888: “Something MoreAbout European Pauper Labor” published today included a summary of thetestimony of the Director of the Jewish Emigration Protective Society beforethe Immigration Committee holding hearings at the Westminster Hotel in which heexplained the reason for the impoverishment for Jewish workers coming toAmerican and the tendency of them to settle among their co-religionists whoprovide them with support.

1889: “The RussianEmancipation” published today described the freeing of the serfs, which tookplace a quarter of a century ago, as a total failure. The peasants are in perpetual debt due totheir inability to re-pay the government for their land and the failedagricultural system. This forces them toborrow money from the Jews who seize the land when they are unable to repay theloan. (Yet another reason for treatingthe Jews badly – they are the moneylenders despoiling the noble serfs)

1890: “GeographicalPalestine” published today provides a detailed review of Palestine by MajorC.R. Conder. Claude Reignier Conderserved in the Corps of Royal Engineers and served two tours with the PalestineExploration Fund providing him with invaluable first-hand knowledge of thefuture Jewish homeland.

1890: “Against Jews InRussia” published today provided a summary of the repressive edicts that theCzar has imposed on four million of his subjects which has led to theirimpoverishment and are intended to force them to leave the country and/or giveup being Jewish.

1890: Sixty-four-year-oldphilanthropist and social reformer Charles Loring Brace passed away today. Inhis book The Unknown God Or Inspiration Among Pre-Christian Races Bracepoints out that there is little “evidence of Egyptian found in the Hebrewfaith.” According to him “the thinkersand teachers of the Jews were visited by those higher and purer inspirationswhich have made them the greatest benefactors of mankind in ancient history…TheJews of modern days ought to be forever honored for such progenitors; a racewhich could such men deserves the lasting respect of mankind.”

1890: Birthdate of Hartford,CT native Samuel Bischoff, the husband of Harriette “Yetta Wiegel
Bischoff and graduate of Boston University who produced movies from 1922 to1964.

1891: “The seventh freeexcursion” sponsored by “the Sanitarium for Hebrew Children” takes place todaywith the boat leaving from the foot of East Third Street at nine o’clock thismorning.

1891: Three days aftershe had passed away, 52-year-old Frederika Myers, the wife of Morris Myers wasburied at the Stockton Jewish Cemetery.

1892: In Stanislau,Austria Clara Horodner and Hyman Lichtenberg gave birth New York University educatedadvertising director and author Bernard Lichtenberg the husband of Minerva Kahnand the recipient in 1924 of Gold Medal “awarded by the Advertising Club of NewYork who was a member of the Executive Concil of the Intercollegiate MenorahAssociation and a vice president of the Shaaray Tefila Brother as well as theco-author of “Advertising Principles” and “Advertising Campaigns.”

1892: The ThirdMarquess of Salisbury, Lord Robert Cecil, who as Prime Minister has reassuredthe House of Lords that regardless of the Czar’s policies “there were nogrounds for dreading a wholesale invasion of Great Britain by pauper Jews fromRussia” left office today and became the leader of “the loyal opposition.”

1893: In Brooklyn,Justice Walsh sentence William Davison to ten days in jail for his part inrobbing a Jewish peddler named Burns.

1894(9th ofAv, 5654): Parashat Devarim; Erev Tish’a B’Av

1894: Birthdate ofErnst Angel the Viennese born man of letters who wrote the script for “Love onWheels, a British musical comedy before morphing into an American psychologist

1895: Five Jews werearrested by the police from the Elizabeth Street Station for violating theSunday Closing Laws. One of thosearrested, Morris Cohn “pleaded that he was a strict observer of the HebrewSabbath” and he was released by the Magistrate.

1895: “Sympathy For HatAnd Cap Makers” published today described a mass meeting held at Union Squareby several Jewish organizations in support of the workers who have been lockedout by the manufacturers.

1895: Based oninstructions provided by Meyer Schoenfeld and Herman Robinson the strikingtailors, most of whom were Jewish and who were returning to work were notworried that they were being locked out today by the contractors since it wasSunday and the bosses observed the Sunday closing laws.

1895: During July, itwas reported today, the United Hebrew Charities “responded to the applicationsfor relief from 3,304” people on behalf of 11,013 individuals.

1896: Populist leaderMary Elizabeth Lease was quoted today as saying "Redemption money andinterest-bearing bonds are the curse of civilization. We are paying tribute tothe Rothchilds of England, who are but the agent of the Jews."

1898: “Nevada ColonistsDespoiled” published today described how a group of Russian Jews who had beenbuilding a new life in Lyon County, Nevada, were swindled by two of theirco-religionists Daniel Schwartz who mortgaged the groups crop to get $1,500 froma bank in Carson City and then ran off with money. The penniless Jews are now faced with theprospect of losing their newly built homes.

1898: L’Anti-Juif,“a weekly organ of the Anti-Semitic League” was published today for the firsttime in Paris.

1899: “Joseph Haworth’sNew Role” published today described Jacob Litt’s decision to cast JosephHaworth in the role of Raphael, the leading character in Israel Zangwill’s “TheGhetto.”

1899: The officerspresiding over the court marital of Captain Dreyfus announced that the nextfour sittings of the court would be held behind closed doors.

1899: In Mitau, Latvia,merchant Lazar Hirshhorn and his wife Amelia gave birth to their 12thchild, Joseph Herman Hirshhorn, the self-made financier and prospector bestknown for his role in establishing the Joseph H. Hirshhorn Museum and SculptureGarden in Washington, D.C.

1899: The great Jewishactor Jacob Adler fell and seriously injured himself today while riding hisbicycle at Long Branch, NJ.

1900: Today, RabbiAlexander S. Kleinfeld, the Hungarian born son of Rabbi Jacob Kleinfeld andEsther Freud, the niece of Dr. Sigmund Freud who eventually became thespiritual leader of Temple Emanuel of Patterson, NJ married Clara Gordon.

1900: Mass meeting ofthe English Zionist Federation was held in East End.

1902: “The hearingbefore Inspector Brooks at police headquarters on the conduction of certainpoliceman at the riot on July 30 between employees of Hoe and Company and Jewsattending the funeral of Rabbi Joseph” continued today.

1903: Birthdate ofPolish born American Yiddish theatre actor and Union leader Herman Yablokoff,the husband of Bella Yablokoff and the father of Jack Yablokoff.

1903: Herzl meets Jewsfrom all circles in St. Petersburg and a banquet is arranged by the RussianZionists.

1904(30th ofAv, 5664): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1904: In New York City,Adolf Berkelhammer and Friedel Berkelhammer gave birth to NYU trained attorneyIrving Berkelhammer, the husband of Phyllis Berkelhammer, who was involved invarious Jewish organizations including the UJA and the Federation of JewishPhilanthropies.

1904(30th ofAv, 5664): The month of Av, which“Zionist Societies have been observing as a “period of mourning” for TheodorHerzl came to an end today.

1904: In Pennsylvania,Rebecca and Morris Lazarus gave birth to Samuel Lazarus, who had four siblings– Louis, Clara, Celia and Sarah.

1905: Birthdate of Erwin Chargaff, the Austrian bornAmerican biochemist who discovered two rules that led to the discovery ofdouble helical structure of DNA. He passed away in June of 2002.

1905: The BritishAliens Act, which reflected anti-Jewish bias, became a law. The anti-Jewishbias was aimed at the Jews fleeing Rumania and Russia who were seeking a safehaven in England. This was manifestationof lingering anti-Jewish sentiment in an English society that was increasinglyaccepting of its Jewish population.

1906(20th ofAv, 5666) Parashat Ekev

1906: It was reportedtoday that “M. Friedlander of Jews’ College England has translated into Englishthe original Arabic text of Guide to the Perplexed which appears involume printed by E.P. Dutton and Company that contains a brief biography ofMaimonides and a full explanation of his Guide.”

1907: Birthdate of MaxAbrams, the native of Glasgow who played drums for several bands in the 1930’sand 1940’s who wrote “50 jazz tutor books.”

1908: Rabbi and medicaldoctor Mendel Silber the Lithuanian born son of Rabbi Jacob andEsther Silber who was a graduate of HUC and Physicians and Surgeons College inSt. Louis married Ida Deinard after which he eventually became the rabbi ofGates of Prayer in New Orleans.

1908: Nathan Solitymarried Miriam Mendie today at the New Briggate Synagogue in Leeds, UK

1909: The Chief Rabbiof Adrianople was forced to resign by Jews of Demoticafor failing to takeaction and not protesting against the change in market day at Demotica, fromThursday to Saturday.

1910: In Philadelphia,PA, Max Leopold Margolis and his wife, the former Evelyn Kate Aronson gavebirth to Catherine A. Margolis.

1911(17th ofAv, 5671): One hundred seventeen-year-old Rabbi Isaac Reich passed away atSzamos Hungary.

1911: Funeral servicesare scheduled to be held today for “Mrs. Alice Stoll, the sister of HattieSummerfield.

1911: Birthdate ofGiorgio Cavagliere, an American Jewish architect who fled Mussolini’s Italy andbecame a leader of the urban preservation movement.

1911: Jews suffer theimpoverishing effect of fires in Russian communities including Tulishkoff,Mlava and Konskavola.

1911: As the Turksrecover from the effects of the fires at Constantinople, the Chief Rabbi formsa Relief Committee and Grand Vizier Hakki Bey sent a telegram to the 10thZionist Congress meeting at Basle, Switzerland thanking the Jewish organizationfor the contributins to relieve the suffering of fire victims.

1911: In Copenhagen,Denmark, attacks are made on Shechitah at the Animal Protection Congress.

1912: In Westfield, MA,founding of Ahavas Achim synagogue.

1912: In Providence,Rhode, Island, found of Beth Israel synagogue.

1912: In Kenosha,Wisconsin founding of B’nai Zedek synagogue.

1913The Londonambassadors conference, of Europe's six "Great Powers"(Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, the United Kingdom), settledon the boundaries of the new Principality of Albania, created from formerTurkish territory that had been the scene nationalist revolts during the Turkshad accused the small Jewish population “of colluding with the Albanianrebels.”

1914: Jews are expelledfrom Mitchenick, Poland

1914: In a move thatshowed the British navy did not understand the strategic consequences of itsmission, two German warships entered the Dardanelles – a move that would pushthe Ottoman Empire into the arms of the Central Powers. (Editor’s note – one can only wonder whatwould have happened to the Middle East, including Palestine if the Ottomans hadremained neutral or joined the Allies.)

1915: As the Cossackand Dragoons continued their attack on the Jews of Lokachi in the Province ofVolinski a gendarme found the blood covered coat of Gershon Pfeffer, a Jew whohad been dragged off into the woods three days earlier when he resisted beinglined up with the other Jews who were then robbed “of all their money andvaluables.”

1915: Today in SanFrancisco., Attorney Edwin R.A. Seligman delivered “The Next Step in TaxReform,” the Presidential Address at the “Ninth Annual Conference of theNational Tax Association”

1916(12th ofAv, 5676): Eighty-eight-year-old Rabb Abraham Levy passed away today in London.

1916: It was reportedtoday that Oscar Straus, the former U.S. Ambassador to Turkey, “assailed Jewswho sought to forget their ancestors and their Jewish inheritance” saying “thatif the present fashion in Jewish families of giving their children names asremote as possible from those with a Jewish sound continued, within a shorttime only Americans of Puritan ancestry would have names of Abraham and Jacob,Ruth and Esther.”

1917: It was reportedtoday that the British Labour Party has adopted a memorandum on issues thatwill be part of a peace settlement that stated “in behalf of the Jews equalcitizenship rights with other inhabitants is demanded from all countries and itis hoped that Palestine will be free from Turkish domination and become a freestate under international guarantees to which such Jews as desire my return towork out their own salivation free from interference from nations andreligions.”

1917: Turkishrepresentative at The Hague, Netherlands denies that negotiations took placebetween Turkey and former United States ambassador, Henry Morgenthau regardingthe sale of Palestine to the Jews

1917:Birthdate of Algerian born, French-Israeli writer Andre Chouraqui, known forhis French-language translation of the Bible and his work for the government inIsrael. A poet, Chouraqui was best known for translating religious texts,including La Bible hebraique et le Nouveau Testament (The HebrewBible and New Testament), published in 26 volumes between 1974 and 1977.Chouraqui studied law in Paris. During World War II, he joined the FrenchResistance and hid out in the Haute-Loire region of central France. Aftermoving to Israel in 1958, he became an adviser to Israel's first PrimeMinister, David Ben-Gurion, from 1959 to 1963. He also served as deputy mayorof Jerusalem. He passed away at the age of 89 at his home in Jerusalem in 2007.

1918: It wasreported today that in a recent speech given by Dr. von Seidler, the AustrianPremier to the Lower House of the Austrian Reichstag, he said that “most of theJews” in Austria “are counted as Germans unlike all of the other groups likethe Poles, Czechs and Italians who are counted separately. (Editor’s note –considering what would happen twenty years later, this method might have comeas a shock to those caught up in the Anschluss)

1919: The WeimarRepublic's first Reichspräsident ("Reich President"),Friedrich Ebert of the SPD, signed the new German constitution into law. TheWeimar Republic marked Germany’s first experience with a truly democraticgovernment. It failed for lack ofpopular support and would give way to Hitler’s Third Reich. One of the excuses offered for German supportthe Holocaust was that Jews were associated with the founding of the WeimarRepublic and the Weimar Republic was viewed as a humiliation saddled on theGermans by the Allies at the end of World War I. The logic is tortured, but it is neither thefirst time that people would rationalize and justify their anti-Semitism.

1920: Samuel Gompers isone of several labor leaders who attend a dinner honoring T.J. Healy before hedeparts for Europe where he will represent the American Federation of Labor atan international labor conference.

1920: The JointDistribution Committee in New York has sent 150,000 to Danzig in response to arequest from that community which is being overwhelmed with war refugees fromPoland and which has been cut off from the Joint Distribution in Warsaw.

1921: Birthdate ofAmsterdam native Ellen Danby the survivor of Theresienstadt who gained fame asEllen Burka the Canadian figure skater, member of the Order of Canada and amember Canada’s Sports Hall of Fame.

1921: Today, Universityof Cincinnati and Harvard educated social worker Maurice Beck Hexter the Cincinnatiborn son of Max and Sarah Hexter and since 1919, the executive director of theFederated Jewish Charities marriedMarguerite Mock, whom he met in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, after which they had onedaughter, Marjorie Hexter Cohen, born in 1930.

1921: In Haifa,“agronomist Yechiel Weizman and his wife gave birth to Yael Weizman, who asYael Allingham, the wife of Conal Wolsey Allingham, invented “polymeric mulchsheets and mulch films for use in agriculture.”

1922: “A financialre-organization of R.H. Mercy Co., merchants in New York since 1858, is underway, to make possible the, program of expansion which will go into effect withthe completion of the firm's proposed new nineteen story annex to the present structure,at Thirty-fourth street and Broadway. Common but will not change the managementled by Jesse Straus, President, Percy Straus, Vice President and Herbert N.Straus, the Secretary and Treasurer.

1923: In the Bronx,Benjamin Meschess and the former Anna Grosse gave birth to Arnold Mesches,, ascenic designer who was tracked by the F.B.I. for a quarter of a century. (Asreported by William Grimes)

1923: At a session ofthe World Zionist Congress meeting in in Carslbad, Czechoslovakia, thatcontinued until this morning, Dr. Chaim Weizmann and Nabum Sokolow, heads of the World ZionistOrganization, defended their administration from the attacks to which it hasbeen subjected during the last few days.

1924: Julius R. Jarcho,the New York born son of Naum and Bertha Jaraco and Ohio State and Syracusealum married Dorothy E. Rambar after which he became the editor and publisherof the Brooklyn Jewish Chronicle.

1925: Birthdate ofPhiladelphia native Arnold Schulman the University of North Carolina trainedscreenwriter whose work on such films as “Love With A Proper Stranger” and “AHole in the Head” have earned him Writers Guild and Oscar nominations.

1925(21st of Av, 5685):Sixty-eight-year-old Abraham Trost, the Ohio born son of Wolf and Hannah KahnTrost who is not to be confused with a person of the same name who was sued forchild support in New Jersey, passed away today after which he was interred atthe Walnut Hills Jewish Cemetery in Evanston, Ohio.

1926(1st of Elul,5686): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1926: In “Zelva,Lithuania, “Lazar, a cattleman, and Bella (née Silin) Klug gave birth to Dr.Aaron Klug, the South African trained winner of the Nobel Prize for Chemistryin 1982.

1926: Birthdate ofBrooklyn native Saul Fredericks Rabiner, the Tulane trained doctor and WW IIveteran who served on the faculty at the Prtzker Medical School.

1927: Birthdate ofGustav Bermel a member of the Ehrenfield anti-Nazi resistance Group who wasmurdered at the age of 17.

1927: InBrooklyn, Sara (née Kaminsky) and David Rosenberg gave birth to StuartRosenberg, director of Cool Hand Luke.

1928: “Four Walls” asilent film co-starring Carmel Myers, the San Francisco born daughter of“daughter of an Australian rabbi and Austrian Jewish mother” was released inthe United States today by MGM.

1929: Birthdate ofFrankfurt, Germany native Geoffrey H. Hartmann one of “the Jewish childrenevacuated from Nazi Germany as part of a Kindertransport” who became aProfessor of English and comparative literature at Yale, co-founder of theJudaic studies program at Yale and the “first director of what is now theFortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies at Yale.”

1929: The Jewish Agencywas created at the 16th Zionist Congress in Zurich. It was intended to includenon-Zionists such as Louis Marshall, Leon Blum and Felix Warburg to take aleading role among those working to create a Jewish state.

1929: Florence WolfsonHowlett turned 14 and made her first entry in the diary she received as abirthday present. The diary wouldprovide the basis for The Red Leather Diary by Lily Koppel

1930: In New York CityYiddish poet Ber Lapin and his wife gave birth CCNY and Columbia alum ShmuelLapin, the director of “the youth department of the Farband,” and“excutive director of the Canadian Labor Zionist Movement” who hithis stride as the executive secretary of YIVO while raising three children –Dov, Avrum and Hayim – with his wife Khave.

1930: At the secondsession of the fourth world congress of the Zionist Revisionist, Dr. RobertLichtheim delivered a speech in which he said that the organization “wouldconduct its own political activities, particularly in pleading the Zionistcause before governments and statesmen, independently of the Zionist executiveand the Jewish agency.

1930(17th ofAv, 5690): Sixty-five-year-old Hungarian native, Rudolph Farbert, the father ofLillie, Bertrum, Leona, Arnold and Nettye who served as Rabbi at CongregationGates of Heaven from 1885 to 1887 andMt. Saini in Texarkana, TX passed away today in Chicago after which he wasburied at Waldehim Jewish Cemetery.

1930: In New York City,an announcement was made at the headquarters of the Allied Jewish Campaign thatmore than $1,214,000 was spent in the development of the economic and cultural program of the Jewish Agency in Palestineduring the half year” that ended on May 1.

1931: Today, “the WarDepartment authorized the granting of furloughs in the army to members of theJewish faith to permit to participate in the celebration of the high holy days”which take place in September.

1932(9th ofAv, 5692): Tisha B’Av

1932: Birthdate ofAmerican architect Peter Eisenman whose creations included the Wexner Centerfor the Arts at Ohio State University which was “named in honor of the fatherof Limited Brands founder, and friend of Jeffery Epstein, Leslie Wexner, whowas a major donor to the Center” and “The Memorial to the Murdered Jews ofEurope” in Berlin.

1932: Birthdate ofIsrael Harold “Izzy” Asper, Canadian tax attorney and media magnate. A nativeof Minnedosa, Manitoba, Asper “was the founder of CanWest Global CommunicationsCorp and father to Leonard, Gail and David Asper, each of whom served as officersof CanWest.

1933: The SupremeRepresentative Committee of German Jews established a farm near Rathenow, inPrussia, to train unemployed Jews as agricultural workers.

1933: Judah Bergman,the World Light Welterweight Champion, who boxed under the name of Jack kidBerg, “married Bunty Pain, a dancer at the Trocadero, today at Prince's Rowregister office in London.”

1933: Nineteen-year-oldactress Heddy Lamar, the daughter of Viennese Jewish parents married Austrianarms dealer and fascist Friedrich Mandl.

1933: In response towhat is described as an “epidemic of suicides among German Jews of theRhineland,” the Jewish community of Cologne has issued an appeal signed by thelay leaders and the Rabbinate, urging Jews not to despair.

1933: The HamburgFederation of Grain Merchants, which had a large Jewish membership, wasdissolved. Its funds and property were turned over to the "Aryanized"All-German Federation of Commerce.

1933: In Warsaw, anedict was issued forbidding Jewish bakers, who observe the Sabbath, to bakebread on Sundays. The edict affected over 50,000 Jewish bakers.

1933: In Cracow,Thirty-one of the forty-two arrested persons, charged with organizing riotsagainst Jews in a nearby town received sentences of imprisonment of from fourmonths to three years.

1934(30th ofAv, 5694): Parashat Re’eh and Rosh Chodesh Elul

1934: “An appeal toJewish athletes to refrain from participating in the 1936 Olympic Games inBerlin was issued today by Samuel Untermyer as president of the Non-SectarianAnti-Nazi League to Champion Human Rights.”

1935(12th of Av, 5695):Sixty-five-year-old portrait artist Leo Mielziner passed away today.

1936: CondemningBritish proposals to partition Palestine as "outrageous," SenatorRoyal S. Copeland (Dem., NY) introduced in the Senate today a resolution askingthe Senate's "forthright indication of unwillingness to acceptmodification in the mandate without Senate consent." Senator Copelanddeclared that the territory allotted the Jews in the proposed partition wasinsufficient to maintain even a small number of Jews and that establishment ofa small Jewish state might result in a war between the Jews and the Arabs. The Jews are having a "terribletime" in Germany, Poland and Rumania.... At the same time he noted a"distinct animosity" on the part of American consuls abroad ingranting visas to Jews, which, he said, showed discrimination. (As reported byJTA)

1936: “The Polishdelegation to the World Jewish Congress charged early today…that Poland’s3,500,000 Jews were being terrorized and made paupers” and that “anti-Semiticagitation is making the Jews the scapegoats for” Poland’s “ills” which “has ledto the loss of Jewish life and property.”

1936: In Geneva,tonight, at the meeting of the World Jewish Congress, Rabbi M.L. Perlsweig,head of the World Zionist Organization's political information department,accused the British authorities in Palestine of "political ineptitude sogross as to be almost unbelievable” while “Rabbi Stephen S. Wise of New Yorkpaid tribute to the self-restraint of the Palestine Jews…”

1937: By a vote of 304 to 158, the 20th ZionistCongress, held in Zurich, endorsed Chaim Weizmann¹s proposal and empowered theZionist Executive to negotiate with the British government the terms of theRoyal (Peel) Report, according to which the partition of Palestine would be implemented,and the Jewish state was to be established. Dr. Weizmann¹s proposal wasdenounced by Dr. Stephen Wise, on behalf of American Jewry and many otherdelegates, including Menachem Ussishkin. A revised version of the partitionplan was also supported by David Ben-Gurion.

1937: In Santa Monica, CA, Harry Herschel and Shirley (née Weissman)Cohen gave birth to Iris Margo Cohen who gained fame as ballet dancer andactress Allegra Kent.

1937: In Zurich roving bands of Nazis assaultedand molested a number of Zionist delegates.

1937(4th of Elul, 5697): Detective Isidore Astel, thepatrolman who shot a killed a hold-up man during a gun battle last December inManhattan for which he was decorated with “the gold Police Combat Cross” diedtoday “in the Hospital for Joint Diseases.

1937: New York Mayor La Guardia is scheduled to attend today’s outingsponsored by the Brooklyn Division of the American Jewish Congress whichconsisted of “a boat rid up the Hudson River on the steamship Delaware.”

1938: “The Osservatore Romano, the authoritative Vatican organ, todayprotested strongly against the Italian press boycott of the speeches in whichPope Pius has denounced the new racial theories” in words that included “WhereHebrewism means suffering, pain and a target for persecution, it cannot hopefor a better defender than the Catholic Church.”

1938: After returning from a trip to Palestine, “Malcolm MacDonald,Dominions Secretary” delivered a radio talk today in which he said the“pacification of Palestine will not be accomplished quickly” but that in themeantime “the British Government will administer its trust on the basis ofjustice between the Jews…and Arabs. (Editor’s note – in less than a year, theinfamous White Paper would make a lie of this as far as the Jews wereconcerned.)

1939: “When Tomorrow Comes,” a “romantic comedy” directed and produced byJohn M. Stahl was released today in the United States.

1939: Laurence Steinhardt begins serving as U.S. Ambassador to theU.S.S.R.

1939(26th of Av, 5699): Having received a summons from theGestapo and fearing that he would be tortured like others who had received sucha summons, 68-year-old mathematicians Paul Epstein “took a lethal dose ofVeronal.

1941: As of today,Stanley M. Isaacs is “unchanged…in his determination seek both the Republicanand Labor party nominations in the primaries” which will pit him against EdgarJ. Nathan who “was recently chosen by the New York County Republican organizationas its candidate for Borough President of Manhattan…”

1941: Birthdate ofBrooklyn political figure, Elizabeth Holtzman.A graduate of Harvard Law School, Holtzman began serving in Congress in1973 just in time to be part of the Watergate investigation. After leaving the House, she held variouspolitical positions but missed out on her biggest prize, a seat in the U.S.Senate.

1941: Vichy adopted anordinance excluding Jews from working as doctors.

1941: Het Parool, “anAmsterdam-based daily newspaper” was published for the first time “as aresistance paper during the Nazi occupation” by a staff that included JaapNunes Vaz who would be sent to Sobibor in 1942.

1942: Today “Hollywoodactress Hedy Lamarr (called “the most beautiful woman in Hollywood”) received apatent with composer George Antheil for a “frequency hopping, spread-spectrumcommunication system” designed to make radio-guided torpedoes harder to detector jam.”

1942: Fifty-six-year-oldBrandenberg native William Chaskel Flatow was deported from Drancy and shippedto Aushwitz today.

1942(28th of Av, 5702):The Nazis murdered 13,000 Jews at Rostov-On-Don, a deadly total that would beadded to a few days later when another two to five thousand Jews were murdered.

1943: “Herman Hoffman,Grand Master of the Independent Order of B’rith Abraham announced today that hehad proclaimed a thirty-day mourning period among the members in protest of theruthless murder of Jews in Nazi-dominated Europe” and that he had sent atelegram to President Roosevelt “urging him to make a special broadcast to theworld if these ruthless murders do not cease.”

1944: Joop Westerweel,Dutch poet and educator was executed by the Nazis, for helping Jews escape. Inlate February 1944 Joop Westerweel traveled to the foot of the Pyrenees to sayfarewell to the group about to cross into Spain, which included Joseph Heinrichand thirteen other young people Joop and his underground group had helped toescape from Holland. His memorable speech was later vividly recalled by manywho were present. He wished them well and that they should build Palestine intoa place where there would be no war, only food and work for everyone. As theyoung pioneers left for Spain, Joop turned back to Holland. On March 11, he wasarrested by border police while helping two young Jewish girls cross illegallyfrom Holland to France. Five months later he was executed in prison in VughtConcentration Camp. The sacrifice of Joop Westerweel and those like him mustnever be forgotten. The challenge forthe living is to be worthy of the proof of such virtue.

1945: A ‘small pogrom’took place in Krakow, Poland, three months after the end of World War II inEurope.

1945: Collier’smagazine published “Terror in Palestine” by Frank Gervasi which provides acontemporary look at events following the death of Lord Moyne.

1946: “Unusual Britishtroop movements around the port of Haifa and the arrival of four British Navylanding craft converted into cages with supplies of barbed wire gave rise todayto rumors that "floating detention camps" might have been broughthere to transfer Jewish illegal immigrants to Cyprus.”

1947: Today in the wakeof an “attack by an Arab band that killed person, four Jewish and an Arab, in acafé on the outskirts of Tela Aviv,” “today Haganah warned the Jewish communityagainst demands that it ‘revenge this manslaughter’ and to be calm whileorganized plans were prepared” while “Vaad Leumi has asked for a meeting of allmunicipal councils in Palestine to formulae plans for tightening measures forthe defense of the Jewish community.

1948(8th of Av, 5708):Elaine Hammerstein, the daughter of opera producer Arthur Hammerstein, whogained fame as an American silent film and stage actress, passed away.

1949: Birthdate ofDavid Rubenstein, the son of a Baltimore postal worker, who co-founded theCarlyle Group and whose philanthropies included serving as Chairman of bothKennedy Center and the Duke University board of Trustees.

1950: In Riga, Friedaand Zalman Baskin gave birth to Ilya Zalmanovich Baskin who came to the UnitedStates in 1976 where he gained fame as actor Elya Baskin whose first filmappearance was in “The World’s Greatest Lover”

1950: Ethel Rosenbergwas arrested today.

1950: In Chicago,Gustave Barshefsky, “a Polish immigrant and chemical engineer” and his wifeMiriam gave birth to University of Wisconsin graduate and Catholic Universityof America trained attorney Charlene Barshefsky who served as the 12thUnited States Trade Representative from 1996 to 2001.

1951(9th ofAv, 5711): Parashat Devarim; Shabbat Chazon; Erev Tish’a B’Av

1951(9th of Av):Yiddish playwright and journalist David Pinsky passed away.

1951(9th of Av, 5711):Rebekah Bettelheim Kohut passed away

1951: Today thirty-nineyear old actress Sara Berner married theatrical agent Milton Rosner with whomshe had a daughter Eugenie before divorcing in 1958.

1952: The ailing Talal¹s son, Hussein II, wasproclaimed the King of Jordan, but a Regency Council was appointed to rule thecountry, since he was a minor. In 1952 three Middle Eastern monarchs’ ­ HusseinII of Jordan, Ahmed Fuad of Egypt and Faisal of Iraq ­ were minors. KingHussein had seen his grandfather assassinated by an Arab fanatic who thought hewas too friendly with the Jews.Hussein’s goal was to stay alive and remain king. He wisely did not take part in the SinaiCampaign of 1956. He foolishly attackedIsrael in 1967 and lost the West Bank and east Jerusalem. In the end, he signed a peace treaty withIsrael but without gaining any territory west of the Jordan River. Fuad would be ousted by a revolt mastermindedby Colonel Nasser, the Pan-Arabist who had a secular version of Osama’svision. Faisal would die in a revolt in1958 that would eventually bring Hussein (the dictator not the king) to powerin Iraq.

1953: Birthdate of Stephen M. Katz, the native of Jericho, NY and Doctorof Veterinary Medicine who worked at several overseas locations including theYotvata Hai-Bar Nature Reserve in Israel before pursuing a political career asa Republican member of the New York States Assembly.

1953: CBS broadcast the last episode of “Steve Randall” “a televisionseries starring Melvyn Douglas.”

1955: “More than one third of a $50,000 fund to restore historic TouroSynagogue here has been raised, it was reported today at the eighth annualmeeting of the synagogue's Society of Friends.”

1955: Leonard Bernstein led premiere of Symphonic Suite from "On theWaterfront", BSO, Tanglewood

1955: After premieringin the United Kingdom last year, “The Divided Heart” featuring Theodore Bikeland John Schlesinger was released in the United States today by Ealing Studios.

1956(4th ofElul, 5716): Parashat Shoftim

1959(6th ofAv, 5719): Eighty-seven-year-old Yiddish author and playwright David Pinskipassed away today, five months after his wife Adele had passed away.

1959(6th ofAv, 5719): Eighty-three-year-old Bertram Joseph Cahn, the son of “Joseph andMiriam Cahn,” the “husband of Irma Cahn” with whom he had three children andthe Northwestern educated lawyer who served on the Crime Commission andbelonged to the Urban League, passed away today in his native Chicago

1961: Birthdate of Toronto native David Brooks, the award winning NewYork Times columnist and author whose “oldest son” reportedly served in the IDF

1961: In Palo Alto, CA, Tola Fay Minkoff (née Stebel) and Jack RobertMinkoff gave birth to Academy Award winning director Robert Ralph Minkoff,whose most famous work to date is “The Lion King.”

1962: "Breaking Up Is Hard to Do" “a song recorded by NeilSedaka, and co-written by Sedaka and Howard Greenfield” “hit number one on theBillboard Hot 100” today.

1964(3rd of Elul, 5724): Sixty-four-year-old Leopold Mannes,the creator of Kodachrome, passed away today.

1964: The Avnet Electronics Corporation announced today the election ofLester Avnet, to the post of Chairman, succeeding his last brother Robert H.Avnet.

1965:Rolf Friedemann Pauls, the man chosento be Bonn’s first Ambassador to Israel arrived today at a “heavily guardedLydda Airport.”

1968: In London, Nigerian native Henry Okonedo and his wife Joan Allmanthe Jewish Pilates teacher gave birth to Tony Award winning actress SophiaOkonedo who was raised in the faith of her mother.

1969(27th of Av, 5769): Bea Adelman who is memorialized atB’Nai Israel in Spartanburg, SC, passed away today.

1970(9th of Av, 5730): Tish’a B’Av

1970(9th of Av, 5730): Portsmouth, VA native Moses AbrahamJacobson, the 1916 graduate of Virginian Polytechnic Institute, the holder ofan M.S. in Agriculture from Purdue University and a medical degree from theUniversity of Chicago where he pursued a career as a bacteriologist passed awaytoday.

1971(20th of Av, 5731): “Talented painter and mosaicist” StellaDrabkin, the New York born daughter of Francesca Seandel and Carlman Friedmanand the wife of “Dr. David L. Drabkin, l chair of the department ofbiochemistry, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania” who was aninnovator in the field of printmaking passed awa today.

1972(1st of Elul, 5732): RoseSchneiderman passed away. Born in Polandin 1884, Miss Schneiderman was brought to the United States by her father whoworked as a tailor on the lower East Side.She gained first-hand experience on life in the garment industry whenshe went to work as a cap maker. She earned eight dollars a week. But she had to buy her own sewing machinewith a cash $25 cash down payment and an additional $45 paid ininstallments. In addition to this, shehad to pay for power and thread. MissSchneiderman helped to organize the Women’s Trade Union League, an organizationthat she served as President for several terms.In 1909 she took part in a strike of waistmakers that began theunionization of the garment industry. In New York, she served as Secretary ofthe State Labor Department from 1937 to 1944.During the Great Depression, she served as an official of the NationalRecovery Administration and was considered to be a member of F.D.R.’s “braintrust.”

1975: Birthdate of Edina, MN native Alex Bernstein the6’3”, 325 pound guard who played three years of college ball at Amherst beforepursuing a brief NFL career with the Raven, Jets and Browns.

1975: “Prisoner of Zion David Chernoglaz received an exit visa toIsrael.”

1976(15th of Av, 5736): Tu B’Av

1976: Seventy-one-year-old department store executive Robert L. May, thecreator of Christmas icon Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and convert toCatholicism who married Claire Newton Sims after the death of his first wifeEvelyn Ruth Heyman and the death of his second wife Virginia Newton and who wasthe father of six children passed aay today in Evanston, IL.

1976(15th of Av, 5736): Twenty-nine-year-old Harold W.Rosenthal of Philadelphia was an aide to Senator Jacob Javits, Japanese touristguide, Yutako Hirano and two Israelis – Solomon Weisbeck and Ernest Elias –were murdered and thirty others were bytwo Palestinian terrorists who unsuccessfully attempted to hijack an El Alplane at the Istanbul airport.

1977: West Bank mayors and notables submitted separate views to USSecretary of State Cyrus Vance. The mayors acknowledged that the PLO was the³sole² representative of the Palestine Arabs and claimed that no settlement waspossible without PLO participation. But other West Bank notables had differentideas. They advocated an immediate mutual recognition of the national rights ofPalestinians and Israelis in the area. They claimed that their two homelandsmust be mutually exclusive and advocated the establishment of a³peace-promoting force² acceptable to both nations. These West Bank notablesadvocated the holding of a plebiscite during the interim period so thatPalestinians could decide freely whether to join Jordan or establish anindependent, democratic state. Unfortunately, these talks led to the same placeas those that had come before and after – nowhere.

1977: Jordan and Egypt informed the US that they were prepared to signformal peace treaties with Israel, but at the conclusion of the Arab-Israelipeace negotiations.

1980: Entertainment lawyer turned movie producer Jack Schwartzman andJudith Deborah Feldman, the parents of John and Stephanie were divorced today.

1982(22nd of Av, 5742): Worcester native and “publisher” James Kahnpassed away today in Brookline, MA.

1982: A file picture dated August 11,1982 shows people standing in frontof the Chez Jo Goldenberg restaurant in Paris, two days after it was devastatedin an attack by Palestinian gunmen (AFP/ JOEL ROBINE)

1983: Today,Joseph Hochstein wrote an Op-Ed titled"Not goodbye, but l'hitraot," in which he said, "I lovenewspapering, and I have a special love for this paper, since I helped start itin 1965 with my father. ... What happens each week at The Jewish Week isachieved with greater difficulty than the work done in the newsrooms of greatmetropolitan dailies, and it is more profoundly needed. Knowing that I played acentral role in making this happen helps offset the regret of leaving, as doesthe joy of realizing a long-held dream of living in Israel." He wrote thisjust before making Aliyah.

1983: “Phar Lap” a biopic about a racehorse co-starring Ron Leibman wasreleased in Australia today by 20th Century Fox.

1983: Birthdate of Rochester, NY, native Adam Podlesh the outstandingpunter for University of Maryland Terrapins who has played for theJacksonville, Chicago and Pittsburgh NFL teams.

1984(13th of Av, 5744): Ninety-one-year-old American published AlfredAbraham Knopf, Sr. founder of Alfred A Knopf, Inc passed away today. (Asreported by Herbert Mitgang)

1987(16th of Av, 5747): Eighty-six-year-old Clara Peller whogained fame as the “Where’s the beef” lady passed away today in Chicago.

1987: Alan Greenspan becomes Chairman of the UnitedStates Federal Reserve. Another Jewish economist hits the top spot.

1988: Meir Kahane renounced his US citizenship to stay in the IsraeliParliament. Kahane and his virulentanti-Arab views have been rejected by the Israeli mainstream. Kahane himself was gunned down by Arabterrorists.

1991:InThe Felix Warburg Mansion; AWindow to the Past in the Present,” published today Christopher Gray describesthe past, present and future of the building that was home to one of New York’smost influential and famous Jewish families.

1991(1st ofElul, 5751): Rosh Chodesh Elul

1991: Israelsaid today “that it was prepared to discuss a large-scale release of Arabprisoners, insisting only that it first be supplied with information on thefate of seven Israeli servicemen listed as missing in action in Lebanon” whichis a departure from previous policy statements in which ‘the Israeli Governmenthad demanded the return of those still alive before it would talk of releasingany of the estimated 375 Arabs whose freedom the kidnappers seek.”

1992: “MYSam Simon the fourth vessel ofthe Sea Shepherd Conservation Society fleet, named after American televisionproducer and writer Sam Simon, who donated the money to purchase the vessel”was launched today.

1993:“Searching for Bobby Fischer,” a movie version of the book by Fred Waitzkin thefather of Jewish chess prodigy Josh Waitzkin co-starring Max Pomeranc wasreleased in the United States today.

1994: “Tryingto allay Palestinian concerns over Israel's reconciliation with Jordan, PrimeMinister Yitzhak Rabin met today with Yasir Arafat, the chairman of the P.L.O.,and announced stepped-up talks to expand Palestinian self-rule and holdelections in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.”

1995(15thof Av,5755); Tu B’Av

1995: “AWalk in the Clouds” produced by David and Jerry Zucker, co-starring DebraMessing and filmed by cinematographer Emmanuel Lubezki was released in theUnited States today 20th Century Fox.

1995: “AKid in King Arthur's Court” a film based on a Mark Twain novel co-starring RonMoody as “Merlin” was released in the United States today.

1996: In “AnEnglish Obsession,” published today, Stephen Greenblatt reviewed Shakespeareand the Jews by James Shapiro.

1996: Inaction which stood in sharp contrast not to try former Nazi officer ErichPriebke (a decision that “met with protest from Jews and the relative ofvictims) the Italian Government said today that it had reopened aninvestigation -- shelved inexplicably more than three decades ago -- of twoformer Nazi officers, Karl Titho, a former Nazi lieutenant, and his aide, HansHaage, who are suspected of killingcivilian and military prisoners during mass deportations of Italians to Germanprison camps during World War II

1997:Baltimore born Washington lawyer Alfred H. Moses completed his service as U.S.Ambassador to Romania. Five years later the President of Romania awarded himthe Marc Cruce Medal.

1997(8thof Av, 5757): Erev Tish’a B’Av

1997(8thof Av, 5757): Forty-nine-year-old Eli Adourian of Kfar Adumim died of thewounds he sustained when a Hamas suicide bomber struck at the Mahane YehudaMarket on July 30th where the death toll would reach sixteen with anadditional 178 injured.

1997: “TheView,” which co-host Barbara Walters described as a forum for women of"different generations, backgrounds, and views” premiered today.

1997: Eighty-six-year-oldMonument’s Man Walter Farmer passed away today. (Editor’s note – some but notall of the Monument’s Men were Jewish.Regardless of their origins, this unit played an invaluable role intrying to return looted art to the Jews who owned it and of course, played aninvaluable role in trying to preserve the treasures of Western Civilization)

1998(19thof Av, 5758): Roslyn Singer Gumbinner, the widow of Paul Gumbinner and themother of “late Mark N. Finston, and the late Joan Finston” passed away today.

1998:TheIsraeli Army Radio said investigators suspect Semtex, a powerful plasticexplosive was used in the bombing of the American embassy in Kenya by a groupof Islamic terrorists who delivered a manifesto “in Cairo that praised OsamaBin Laden, a Saudi financier whom American officials have identified as apossible suspect…”

1999: Sheila Finestone began serving as Senator for Montarville,Quebec.

1999: Max Kampelmanwas awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

1999: JanetJagan, the Chicago born Jewess completed her service as President of Guyanawhen Bharrat Jagdeo was sworn as President

1999:Michael Dougall Bell began serving as Canada’s Ambassador to Israel.

2000:Today, Daniel Singer “Dan” Bricklin the co-creator of “the VisiCalc spreadsheetprogram known also as “The Father of the Spreadsheet” introduced the term"friend-to-friend networking"

2001(22ndof Av, 5761): Parashat Ekev

2001(22ndof Av, 5761): Ninety-year-old Canadian journalist, dedicated Zionist andfounder of The Canadian Jewish News passed away today.

2002: The Sunday New York Times featuredreviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readersincluding 'F E G: Ridiculous Poems for Intelligent Children by RobinHirsch Fireweed: A PoliticalAutobiography by Gerda Lerner, the Austrian born JewishAmerican political activist.

2004: Seventy-three-year-oldGerman historian Wolfgang Mommsen who fought attempts to whitewash theHolocaust made by some other German historians passed away today.

2005: Amemorial service was held today at Temple Beth David in Temple, CA for Nathan“Fred” Asher a graduate of the Naval Academy who took command U.S.S. Blue sincethe skipper was ashore and in a harrowing trip lasting one and half hoursguided the ship out to open waters and safety while Ensign Milton Moldane, agraduate of Washington University Law School “took charge of the forwardmachine guns” fighting off the attacking Japanese aircraft.

2005: While the front pages of the paper carriednews of Sharon’s attempts to bring peace to the Middle East with the withdrawalfrom Gaza, the back pages of Haaretzcarried a reminder of Sharon’s warrior past.According to a story in Haaretz,The bloodstained bandage that wrapped Prime Minister ArielSharon's head after he was injured in fighting during the 1973 Yom Kippur Warhas been offered for sale on e-Bay with the bidding starting at $10,000.” Sharon sustained the head wound when he wasleading Israeli forces across the Suez Canal.

2006: Firstday of the New York International Fringe Festival which will include aperformance of “The Cheerleader and the Rabbi” featuring Sandy Wolshin. “A former cheerleader for the Oakland Raidersshe later immersed herself in a mikveh as part of an orthodox conversion.”

2006: TheJerusalem Post reported that Maj. Nimrod Hallel, 42, from Rosh Ha'ayin, waskilled in the town of Leboneh in the western sector of southern Lebanon when ananti-tank missile was fired at his vehicle.

2006: A reported 120 rockets rained down onnorthern Israel striking Haifa, Safed and Kiryat Shimona.

2006:“Jules Feiffer: If You Really Loved Me, You’d Find Me, The Strips 1960 - 2000”a collection of over 60 cartoon strips by the Pulitzer Prize winning author,cartoonist and playwright which has been on display at the Adam BaumgoldGallery is scheduled to come to an end today.

2006: Conflicting reports abound concerning the terms of aproposed cease fire intended to stop the fighting in Lebanon. Some of the major points of contentioninclude the robustness of the mandate of the international force and thewillingness of the Lebanese army to confront and disarm Hezbollah fighters.

2007: On the “Jewish Jock Front,” The San Diego Union-Tribunereported that San Diego Charger IgorOlshansky may not get to play in an upcoming exhibition game withthe Seattle SeaHawks while JohnGrabow of the Pittsburgh Pirates won a game on just 13 pitches, whichwas all he needed to complete a one inning relief stint against the SanFrancisco Giants.

2008: YuliTamir announced plans to remove Ze'ev Jabotinsky'swork from the national education curriculum

2008Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Finance MinisterRonnie Bar-On decided to implement all of therecommendations of the State Commission of Inquiry into the government'shandling of Holocaust survivors. One of thekey recommendations was to increase the monthly stipend of about 43,000survivors to the level of 75 percent of the stipend given by the Germangovernment to recipients of its restitution payments.

2008: Palestinian terrorists in Gaza violated a truce agreementwith Israel, firing a Kassam rocket at the western Negev town of Sderot.

2008: Iowa native, James Hoyt passed away at the age of83. As one of the first four American soldiers to discover the Buchenwald laborcamp in 1945, James Hoyt rarely slept well. “He’s finally getting the rest he’snever had all these years,” his daughter, Theresa Stewart, 51, of Oxford said.When he closed his eyes, he’d see images of the Nazi concentration camp, whichhe thought was a mannequin factory when he first saw it before its liberationApril 11, 1945, Stewart said. His daughters remembered him as a reserved manwho put others first and loved reading, rebuilding cars and solving crosswordpuzzles.“He had time to listen to anyone and would hear everybody’s story,”Stewart said. For years, Hoyt did not share his own story. He later learnedfrom doctors at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Iowa City that he wassuffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. Hoyt of Oxford, Iowa graduatedfrom high school in 1943 and became a private first class after he was draftedin early 1944 to serve in World War II. He was a member of the 6th ArmoredDivision’s 9th Infantry Battalion and fought in the Battle of the Bulge. OnApril 11, 1945, Hoyt was the radio operator and driver for a four-manreconnaissance team when two Buchenwald escapees flagged them down. The teamwent to the camp, which was hidden in a forested area. “When the people saw ourvehicle with the American markings on it, they really went wild. They tore apart of the fence down. They threw us up in the air,” Hoyt told The Gazette 10years ago. “It was a very sorry sight all the way. They were skin and bones,the living ones. Of course, there were all kinds of dead ones there.” In all,about 238,500 prisoners were held at the camp. As the years passed, Hoyt becamemore willing to talk about his experience, helping him to heal, his daughter,Pat Hatcher, said. “We didn’t know what he was fighting,” Hatcher said of theemotional memories. “It helps us understand him better.” After the war in 1949,Hoyt married Doris Hipp. He worked with his brothers in construction beforejoining the United States Postal Service in Oxford, where he served more than30 years.

2009(21st ofAv, 5769): Robert William LeVine passed away to at the age of 71.(As reportedby Emma Stickgold)

2009: Three books aboutBernie Madoff – Too Good to Be True: The Rise and Fall of Bernie Madoff,Madoff with the Money, Betrayal: The Life and Lies of Bernie Madoff– all hit the bookstores today.

2009: The NationalJewish Retreat open at Greenwich, Connecticut.Featured presenters and performers for this event that ends on August 16include Rabbi Manis Friedman, Rabbi Immanuel Schochet, Rabbi Yossi Jacobson,Professor Jonathan Sarna, Mrs. Rivka Slonim and recording star Arvram Fried.

2009: Barnes &Noble announces that Rashi by Elie Weisel and Blindman’s Bluff byFaye Kellerman are available at their stores and on-line.

2009: Releases of“Saints & Tzadiks” a CD on which Irish chanteuse Susan McKeown and Lexaticsbandleader Lorin Skalmerg sing Yiddish, Irish and blends of Yiddish and Irishsongs that highlight “the traditions and similarities as well as the differentways each tradition tells a musical tale.”

2010(1st of Elul,5770): Rosh Chodesh Elul:

2010: Anat Hoffmanleader of the Women of the Wall Prayer group is scheduled to blow the shofar onbehalf of the group as she has done for the past 21 years.

2010: US envoy GeorgeMitchell met with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to discuss advancing directtalks with the Palestinians. “We see eye to eye on the need open up directtalks with the Palestinians," Mitchell said about Netanyahu in comments madebefore the meeting.

2010: IDF Chief ofGeneral Staff Lt.-Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi told the Turkel Committee today that theIDF made a crucial mistake when it did not resort to accurate fire againstthose blocking entry to the Mavi Marmara Turkish aid ship as IDF Shayetet 13commandos rappelled onto the ship from helicopters.

2011: Another sessionof “Hebrew Literacy: Aleph, Bet, and Beyond” is scheduled to take place atSixth & I Historic Synagogue.

2011: The EleventhMemorial for Yiddish Poets is scheduled to take place tonight at the amphitheaterin Tekoa. The event memorializes “thevictims of the ‘Night of the Murdered Poets’ who were thirteen prominent Jewishfigures in the USSR who were secretly executed at Stalin's order on the nightbetween August 12th and August 13th, 1952. These were the most outstanding andrenowned Jewish writers, intellectuals, poets, musicians and actors of theirtime.”

2011: At the Off theWall Comedy Club, Jerusalem funny man David Kilimnick whose funny bone was bornin Little Rock, Arkansas, is scheduled to performTu BAv Comedy Special 'JewishSingles' from The ‘Find Me A Wife’ Show.

2011: Israel's interiorminister gave final authorization to build 1,600 apartments in disputed eastJerusalem and will approve 2,700 more in days, officials said today.

2011: Eighty-two-year-oldJuergen Corleis passed away.

2011: Interior MinisterEli Yishai (Shas) said today during a meeting with that the “time is ripe foran upheaval in the coalition” in order to solve the ongoing social crisis thathas rocked the country over the past month.

2011(11thof Av, 5771): Noach Flug, a Holocaust survivor whodedicated his life to fighting for the rights of other survivors is rememberedas "a towering figure" passed away today in Jerusalem at the age of86.

2012: Ben Sarsin inscheduled to be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah at Temple Judah in CedarRapids, Iowa.

2012: “Avenue Q,” themusical creation of Jeff Marx is scheduled to have its final performance at theBarter Theatre.

2012: The InternationalArts and Crafts Fair also known as Hutzot Hayozer is scheduled to open oneafter the end of Shabbat in Jerusalem.

2012: A fire broke outnear the town of Kiryat Tivon, near Haifa, this morning, a few days afterfirefighters battled repeated blazes in the area believed to have been set byarsonists. Eight firefighting crews supported by two aircraft brought the fire undercontrol. No injuries were reported.

2012: Israeli rhythmicgymnast Neta Rivkin performed well in all four routines at the London Gamestoday, to secure a best-ever Israeli finish in the event. Rivkin, 21, finishedseventh overall, making her the most successful rhythmic gymnast in Israeli Olympichistory. Evgenia Kanaeva of Russia won the gold.

2013:“The Last White Knight” Paul Saltzman’s documentary about his personalencounter with Mississippi Racism is scheduled to be shown at the San FranciscoJewish Film Festival.

2013:The San Diego Jewish Film Festival, PJ Library, Shalom Baby, and Jewish FamilyService are scheduled to sponsor “Learn About the Jewish New Year with Elmo” anevent designed to prepare youngsters for the upcoming holidays.

2013:“Passages through the Fire: Jews and the Civil War,” an exhibit co-presented bythe American Historical Society and Yeshiva University is scheduled to come toan end today.

2013:Harriet Rochlin, the leading expert on Western Jewish History recommends thatthose who can attend this evening’s opening of “American Jerusalem: Jews andthe Making of San Francisco” a film that tells the epic story of pioneer Jewsin San Francisco, a number of whom played a significant role in thetransformation of a tiny village to California’s first metropolis.

2013:In Cedar Rapids, friends and family are scheduled to celebrate the graduationfrom Nursing School and Pinning of Rebbitzin Sabrina Thalblum.

2013: “Passages throughthe Fire: Jews and the Civil War,” a new exhibition presented by the AmericanJewish Historical Society and Yeshiva University Museum is scheduled to come toan end today.

2013: Just three daysbefore Israeli-Palestinian peace talks are set to resume in Jerusalem. “Housingand Construction Minister Uri Ariel (Jewish Home) announced today that 793 newapartments would be built in Jerusalem, and 394 in large settlement blocs inthe West Bank.” (As reported by Lazar Berman)

2013: Finance MinisterYair Lapid lashed out today at the decision to build more than one thousand newhomes in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, calling it "a doublemistake." (As reported by JPost Staff)

2014:”Marvin Hamlisch,What He Did for Love” and “The Jewish Cardinal” are scheduled to be shown atthe Berkshire Jewish Film Festival.

2014: Israel will sendits team of negotiators back to Cairo today if Hamas honors the 72-hourcease-fire that went into effect at midnight, diplomatic officials saidyesterday evening. (As reported by Herb Keinon)

2014: “Former Israeliambassador to the US Michael Oren denied today that he was fired as a CNNanalyst, saying that he asked to suspend his contract, which obligates him tointerview exclusively to that network, so he could accept more requests fromother media as well.” (As reported by Raphael Ahren)

2014(15th ofAv, 5774): “Three Israelis were killed when a train collided with their minibusat a level crossing in the canton of Nidwalden in Switzerland this morning.”(As reported by Stuart Winer)

2014(15th ofAv, 5774): Celebration of Tu B’Av, a day devoted to love with no particularritual but with a long tradition dating back, according to some, to the dayswhen Shiloh was the site of religious observance for the 12 tribes,7340,L-3756891,00.html'Av#mediaviewer/File:PikiWiki_Israel_1112_hadera_%D7%99%D7%9C%D7%93%D7%95%D7%AA_%D7%A8%D7%95%D7%A7%D7%93%D7%95%D7%AA.jpg

2015: The Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for HolocaustEducation is scheduled to present “The Car in Contemporary Israeli Cinema” featuring “excerpts fromMetallic Blues,BrokenWings and Lost Islands (all of which are Israeli movies from the2000s) followed by informaldiscussion with Dr. Moshe Rachmuth, whoteaches Modern Hebrew and Israeli cinema at Portland State University.

2015: At a time when “an estimated 47,000 Africanmigrants, mostly from Eritrea and Sudan, have managed to illegally enter Israelvia Egypt, seeking jobs or asylum” “Residents of south Tel Aviv demonstratedtonight against a High Court of Justice ruling that would limit to 12 monthsthe detention time for migrants in holding facilities” because they feel thattheir neighborhood has “the State of Israel’s warehouse” for these individuals.(As reported by the Times of Israel)

2015: Julie Azous is scheduled to provide Maj-Johnggtraining for players at all levels at the 92nd Street Y.

2015: “Inside Out/Outside In” an exhibition of three women artists including Isa Lousie Levyopened today.

2015: “Hours after Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon warnedthat Palestinian terror group were seeking to carry out attacks” “members ofthe IDF, Border Police and Israel Police arrested 15 wanted Palestinians in aseries of operations” tonight.(As reported by Stuart Winer)

2016: Comedian Gary Gulman is scheduled to appear at thesummer benefit fund raiser sponsored by the Illinois Holocaust Museum andEducational Center.

2016: “In a world awash in religious and sectariantensions, the three Olympic victors in the women’s all-around gymnasticscompetition delivered a multi-faith mosaic on the medals podium today in Rio,with a Christian, a Jew and a Muslim taking gold, silver and bronzerespectively.”

2016: In New Orleans, Congregation Gates of Prayer isscheduled to host the first meeting of PFLAG which “promotes the health andwell-being of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender persons, their familiesand friends through: support, to cope with an adverse society; education, toenlighten an ill-informed public; and advocacy, to end discrimination and tosecure equal civil rights.”

2016: Madeline Isenberg is scheduled to lecture on“Different Traditions Even In Death: Ashkenazi vs. Sephardi Tombstones” andBrooke Ganz is scheduled to lecture on “Using the Gesher Galicia Website andAll Galicia Database to Research Towns and Families” at the 36thIAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy in Seattle, Washington.

2017(19th of Av, 5777): “Yisrael Kristal, aHolocaust survivor who was recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records tobe the world’s oldest man and one of the ten oldest men who ever lived, passedaway today in his home in Haifa. He was one month shy of his 114th birthday.”(As reported by Liel Leibovitz)

2017: Israeli born Canadian tennis player DenisShapovalob defeated Adrian Mannarion of France today “in day eight of theRogers Cup.”

2017(19th of Av, 5777): Seventy-eight-year-oldattorney and radio personality Neil Chayet passed away today. (As reported byRichard Sandomir)

2017: “Menashe” a film that “marks the feature debut ofdocumentary-trained director Joshua Z. Weinstein, who shot his movie, partiallyunder wraps across a two-year period, in the Hasidim community of Brooklyn,N.Y.’s Borough Park district” opened in Chicago.

2017: In Weimar, the YSW is scheduled to host “aShabes-inspired, audience participation evening of song, stories and dance,directed by Alan Bern and Yiddish Summer Weimar artists.”

2017: The Jerusalem Arts and Crafts Fair which started onAugust 7 and runs until August 19 is closed today because of Shabbat.

2018(30th of Av, 5778): First Day Rosh ChodeshElul

2018(30th of Av, 5778): Parsashat Re’ay;

2018:“Classical Bridge, an international musical festival, academy and conferencedesigned to build bridges through music” featuring “Israeli musicians PinchasZuckerman and Alexander Fiterstein” is scheduled to come to an end today.

2018:As a sign of the vitality of small community Judaism, in Coralville, IA, PamHills is scheduled to be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah at CongregationAgudas Achim.

2019:The New York Times features reviewsof books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readersincluding the recently released paperback editions of The Perfect Weapon:War, Sabotage, and Fear in the Cyber Age by David E. Sager and ConanDoyle for the Defense: How Sherlock Holmes’s Creator Turned Real-Life Detectiveand Freed a Man Wrongly Imprisoned for Murder by Margalit Fox, the “queenof the obituary writers.”

2019:The American Sephardi Federation and the Sousa Mendes Foundation are scheduledto host “Eleanor Roosevelt and the Jewish Refugees She Save: The Story of theS.S. Quanza which will include a screening the documentary “Nobody Wants Us”followed by a panel discussion “featuring Blanche Wiesen Cook, the leadingworld expert on Eleanor Roosevelt and the author of her three-volume biography;Michael Dobbs of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and author of TheUnwanted (2019), and other experts and eyewitnesses, including a passenger whowas on the ship in 1940.”

2019:At the Breman Museum in Atlanta, final showing of the exhibition “Inescapable:The Life and Legacy of Harry Houdini.”

2019(10of Av, 5779): Fast of Tish’a B’Av observed.

2020:For the first time since its creation, there is no posting for This Day…InJewish History due to the Derecho that struck Cedar Rapids leaving the authorwithout internet, a hole in the roof filled with a fallen tree, broken windowsand other assorted damage.

2021:The Jewish Studio Project is scheduled to facilitate a “discussion of theweek’s Torah portion and a creative writing session.”

2021:Israel is scheduled to place “the U.S. and 17 other countries under severetravel restrictions” starting today which means that “all travelers from thesespecified destinations will be required to quarantine for a minimum of sevendays, regardless of whether they had been vaccinated for or recovered fromcoronavirus.”

2021:Value Culture is scheduled to present Gili Yalo the Ethiopian Israeli musicianwho blends traditional Ethiopian music with funk, jazz, R&B in an evenco-sponsored by the Israeli Consulate in San Francisco.

2022:S.F.-based JCRC is scheduled to host a talk by state Assemblymember RebeccaBauer-Kahan and Xochitl Lopez-Ayala of ACCESS Reproductive Justice on variousissues and California’s role as a sanctuary state.

2022:The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) is scheduled to hold avirtual discussion on Facebook to mark five years since the infamous Unite theRight rally by white supremacists in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Aug. 11,2017

2022:The Indiana Jewish Historical Society, in association with the Delaware CountyHistorical Society and Jewish American Society for Historic Preservation, arescheduled to unveil an Indianahistorical marker for James G. McDonald to recognize his tremendouscontribution to the rescue of Jews during the Holocaust. McDonald later servedas America’s first Ambassador to Israel.

2022:JWA is scheduled to host a book talk with “Sam Cohen, author of Sarahland,which brilliantly and often hilariously explores the ways in which traditionalstories have failed us, both demanding and providing new origin stories for itscast of Sarahs, new ways to love the planet and those inhabiting it, and newpossibilities for life itself.

2022:The results of Likud primary are expected to be made public this morning. (Asreported by Amy Spiro)

2023:In California, Congregation Beth Am is scheduled to host an “Outdoor Shabbat.”

2023:In Washington, DC, the Sixth and I Synagogue is scheduled to host an “inclusiveservice led by Rabbi Nora and musicians Sarah Fredrick and Jeff Geld blendscontemporary and traditional elements for an experience that feels bothfamiliar and fresh.”

2023:ILTV is scheduled to host program that will focus on the subject of thenormalization of relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel.

2023(25thof Av, 5783): On the Jewish calendar Yahrzeit Deb (Devorah Elisheva) Levin – atrue woman of valor

2024:In Cedar Rapids, IA, Kathryn Levin is scheduled to put the varnish on “SevenAges of A City,” a mural by Edwin J. Bruns which will mark the final stage in thecomplicated restoration of this major piece of art work.

2024:The Congress for Jewish Culture together with the Jewish Labor Committee andthe Workers Circle are scheduled to host “a solemn gathering “In Memory of theSoviet Yiddish Writers and Artists Murdered on August 12, 1952 in Moscow’sLubyanka Prison.”

2024:The Simma and Michael Stein Des Moines Jewish Film Series is scheduled to host a viewing and discussion of the 2021 film “Legendof Destruction” at the Des Moines Art Center today.

2024:The Jewish Community Relations Council of the Jewish Federation of Greater NewOrleans is scheduled to present “Navigating Jewish Life on Campus: A Guide forCollege Students, an “event centeredaround equipping students with the toolkit for navigating Jewish life oncollege campuses,”

2024:In a sign of the times in which we live “world-renowned instructor Steve Harris”is scheduled to lead the first session of a Firearm Training Course for the SanFrancisco Jewish Community.

2024:As August 11th begins in Israel, anunprecedented wave of anti-Semitism that has included Hamas supporters callingfor Zionist passengers on a New York subway to raise their hands, sweeps theUnited States and the Hamas held hostages begin day 310 in captivity. (Editor’s note: this situation is too fluidfor this blog to cover so we are just providing a snapshot as of the posting atmidnight Israeli time

This Day, August 11, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L – All #ourCOG News (2024)
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